Best Lab Management Software Kashmir

Lab Management Software

Easio is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), sometimes referred to as a Laboratory Information System (LIS) orLaboratory Management System (LMS), is a softwarebased laboratory and information management system with features that support a modern laboratory's operations. Key features include, but are not limited to workflow and data tracking support, flexible architecture, and data exchange interfaces, which fully "support its use in regulated environments.” The features and uses of a LIMS have evolved over the years from simple sample tracking to an enterprise resource planning tool that manages multiple aspects of laboratory informatics.

Our product Easio LIMS has been the industry’s most technically advanced Laboratory Information Management System since its introduction to the market, and it continues to hold that position today. Your business will benefit from capabilities such as browser-based deployment, external-facing web portals, and fully configurable web services while at the same time having the richest catalogue of modular laboratory management software functionality from which to draw when deciding how to implement your LIMS system. Easio is a software for Clinical Labs to maintain records of patients with accurate test reports and results.

Our value proposition is enhanced by the industry’s most unique licensing approach. All Easio LIMS functional modules are provided as part of your a single product license. The system is infinitely scalable, and is as suitable for a lab with as many as users as it is for an enterprise with thousands. Instrument integration software is built in, and hundreds of pre-existing instrument interface scripts are available.

The main concept behind Easio LIMS is that each scientist in the lab can manage quick data and make them available to the rest of the lab members. Due to Intranet support, data can be accessed from any connected computer in the lab.Built around independent modules that can interact with each other, Easio LIMS manages a variety of day-to-day useful lab information.

The main concept behind Easio LIMS is that each scientist in the lab can quickly access and modify data and make it available to the rest of the lab community. Easio can be accessed from any computer on the intranet. Laboratory staff spends less time on recurrent and time E-consuming operations and dedicate more precious time to research activities.

Barcode labels can be integrated to allow quick retrieval of sample information. Easio can generates linear 1D and Datamatrix 2D barcodes. You can print them on stickers to identify your tubes or documents in few seconds. Easio LIMS is also capable of extensive and easy customization without any coding or informatics skills/knowledge. It is just a matter of a few clicks and giving names to the fields and modules.

    Core Modules
  • Diagnosis and Investigation for lab request is carried out for Lab requests.
  • Categorizing laboratory testing into panel and profile test.
  • Sample – Acknowledgement for sample Rejection, reception and acceptance.
  • Providing a structured work list for efficient management of resources and time.
  • Investigation and result history.
  • Remedial Alerts for collection, rejection, availability of results, etc.
  • Database of results and the reference ranges of the results for each common procedure.
  • There is automatic validation of test results based on age/sex related reference range checks

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